Executive Committee Minutes 11/07/22

Somerset Golf Captains Executive Committee

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, the 11th July 2022 at the Admirals Table, Bridgwater 

Present: Roy Parmiter (Vice President & Chair), Bob Acland (President), John Beer, David Andow, Iain Robertson, Paul Chesney, David Bate, Rob Ford

  1. Apologies; None
  1. Minutes of the meeting held 24th May 2022 meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record with one correction. In the list of people attending, Stephen Butterfield should be deleted and Rob Ford added.
  1. Matters arising
  1. re-item 3(a) Hampshire dinner went well
  2. re-item 3 (b): no progress with locating the tall banners. Bob Acland to report later on in the meeting regarding banners for the tees.
  3. re-item (4): names have been received and will be circulated later in the meeting
  4. re-item (5): reminder to match managers, with copy of David Bate‘s template, emailed out on the 5th of June
  1. Captains Report

Quite a successful week last week. We’ve now won two matches. Apart from that …….All very enjoyable and the matches have gone well. Captain had four birdies in a round at T&P against Gloucestershire and not much else to say. It’s been a successful month and everyone is enjoying their golf.

  1. Reports from sub-groups
  2. Dinner planning

David Bate circulated costing projections for the annual dinner to take place on the 3rd of March 2022. Cost of the food is still to be confirmed -with the addition of coffee and cheeseboard. See the spreadsheet for financial implications of different projected numbers. Committee thought the room could accommodate 150 comfortably -but could possibly squeeze a few more in. Action: David Bate to confirm whether the catering costs do include VAT or not. General agreement that the committee wants to keep the ticket price at £45 if we can. Iain Robertson will sort out golf at the Taunton & Pickeridge on the morning of the match.

 Treasurers report

Current balance. Treasurer went through a list of outstanding match fees still to be paid is available i.e. two for the fixture against Gloucestershire (which took place last Thursday); three for the fixture against Wiltshire (which will take place on Wednesday, the 20th of July) and two for the fixture against the SWGCMA (to be held on the 18th of July).Action David Andow to email those people who have forgotten to pay .Iain Robertson to pay in any cash collected on the day at T&P.. Paul Chesney distributed documentation showing when the first and last payment was received for each match. Iain Robertson felt that the BACS system worked quite well and makes the role of the match manager a lot easier. John Beer questioned whether we can afford to provide wine and can we afford wine and Roy Parmiter stated yes …we could look at the Gloucestershire match at T&P! John Beer also pointed out that the Hereford and Shropshire game should have been paid on a 50-50 basis – according to the two-year financial planning document circulated by the treasurer at a previous meeting Several members of the committee stated they were completely unaware of this and had never heard anything about it. David Bate asked whether there was a list of which fixtures were to be funded on a 50-50 basis and no-body on the committee were aware that such a list existed; i.e only by word of mouth! Secretary reminded the committee that there is a briefing paper for match managers on the website which is also been emailed out regularly which specifies which fixtures out to be funded on a 50-50 basis. Treasurer then went on to talk about the Spring meeting Secretary asked how we should reconcile this and Rob Ford felt this would be difficult without a paper Treasurer confirmed the overall profit from a Spring Meeting

 Operations Sub group:

  • Iain Robertson distributed a copy of the 2023 fixtures for attention and again drew attention to the difficulties in communicating with Herefordshire and Shropshire. Every golf club’s approach to green fees is different: some charge green fees, some want a donation; and Iain pointed out that the £40 will not always cover costs. Then we may have to increase match fees or drop wine.
  • Email from Matt Lazenby. Secretary read out the email from Matt Lazenby commenting on the appearance of the Somerset shirts during the Four counties match and asking whether we should change the colour. Committee felt coloured shirts will fade after two years, and white shirts will go grey if not washed properly. Even red shirts will fade. Some discussion about whether we should have a dress code for different coloured trousers! And Bob Acland referered to previous discussion about whether they should be blue or another colour. Other past Captain of Captains were unaware of a dress code for trousers. Roy Parmiter felt that we should insist on long trousers (not shorts). Committee recognised that David Bate could reiterate the expectations for the Four Counties next year. We do have new shirts which look a lot smarter and some wear the original shirts as a badge of honour. The committee agreed to keep the existing colours. There was some discussion about whether we should introduce a special shirt for a Four Counties event, or, expectation that people wear the new design shirts (even if they have to buy a new one) Action: Secretary to reply to Matt Lazenby
  • Secretary confirm that everyone was now happy with the situation regarding gratuities following the earlier confusion.
  • Secretary informed committee that Wells Golf Club were having difficulty raising a team of 16 for the match on the 19th of August and he had discussed the situation with the match manager Mike Usher-Clark. We have agreed with Wells Golf Club to move forward on the basis of 12 a-side. Committee felt we could invite Wells to fill their team with Captains from other sections, if they wish to do so. Action John Beer to liaise with Andy Williams and Mike Usher-Clark
  • Captains invitation day: John Beer thanked the committee for their help on the day and reminded the committee that there needs to be a discussion with regard to guidance on which people to invite to the event next year. Action: carry forward to the next meeting


  1. Any other business
  • Bob Acland had investigated the cost of banners for the tees. Committee agreed to move forward on this basis Action: Bob Acland to investigate further and report back at the next meeting
  • Candidates for Captain elect 2024 onwards: President circulated a list of names which he had collected within the committee; and stressed that we should try to alternate between members clubs and proprietary clubs; and we should if possible leave a gap of up to 10 years between Captain of Captains from the same club. Committee to go away and think about the other names on the list – further discussion at the next meeting
  • At the match against Gloucestershire, David Bate had talked to the Gloucester players and understood that Gloucestershire Golf Captains go to Carlyon Bay Hotel for a two night stay in October, with their wives or partners; and they expect to take about 80. David asked if this was worth thinking about? Committee agreed that David Bate should investigate further and bring back to the future meeting
  • Ken Hinchliffe: Iain Robertson confirmed that Ken had been cremated and his ashes are now at Taunton & Pickeridge. The club is hoping to organise a “Thanksgiving” event and Jacky Ford will pay for a rockery and a memorial garden. The suggestion is that we pay £100 towards the tree and this was agreed. It is likely that we will be invited to send three people to the ceremony
  1. Date of next meeting: Tuesday, the 13th of September at 7 pm

Meeting close to 9:15pm